Assist Access/Maintain Employee

We offer a range of services to assist employees with disabilities in accessing and maintaining their employment, including workplace assessments, job coaching, and ongoing support and advocacy.

Our Assistance with Access and Maintenance services include:

  1. Workplace Assessments: Our team of professionals will conduct a comprehensive assessment of your workplace to identify any physical or environmental barriers that may be preventing you from performing your job duties. We will work with you and your employer to develop a plan to remove or minimise these barriers, ensuring that you have equal access to all aspects of your job.
  2. Job Coaching: Our experienced job coaches will work with you to develop the skills and confidence you need to perform your job duties effectively. We will provide you with on-the-job training, support and feedback to help you learn and grow in your role.
  3. Ongoing Support and Advocacy: We understand that employment can be challenging for individuals with disabilities, and we are committed to providing ongoing support and advocacy to help you succeed in the workplace. We will work closely with your employer to ensure that you have access to the support and accommodations you need to perform your job duties effectively.

If you are an employee with a disability and are in need of assistance with accessing or maintaining your employment, please don’t hesitate to contact us at Quality Care Australia.

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