Ex Phys Pers Training

We understand the importance of physical activity and exercise for individuals with disabilities. Exercise physiology and personal training can help improve your physical health, mental wellbeing, and overall quality of life. Our team of experienced exercise physiologists and personal trainers can help you develop a personalised exercise program that meets your individual needs and goals, while taking into account any physical limitations or medical conditions.

Our Exercise Physiology and Personal Training services include:

  1. Initial Assessment: Our exercise physiologists will conduct a comprehensive assessment of your physical health and fitness level, as well as any medical conditions or physical limitations you may have. This assessment will help us develop a personalised exercise program that is safe, effective, and tailored to your needs and goals.
  2. Exercise Programming: Based on the results of your assessment, our exercise physiologists and personal trainers will develop a customised exercise program that is designed to improve your strength, flexibility, cardiovascular fitness, and overall wellbeing. We will work with you to set realistic goals and provide ongoing support and motivation to help you achieve them.
  3. Personal Training: Our personal trainers will work with you one-on-one to guide you through your exercise program, ensuring that you are performing each exercise correctly and safely. We will also provide feedback and encouragement to help you stay motivated and engaged in your exercise routine.

If you are interested in our Exercise Physiology and Personal Training services, please don’t hesitate to contact us at Quality Care Australia.

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