Assist – Life Stage, Transition

Life is full of transitions and changes, and for individuals with disability, these transitions can often be particularly challenging. That’s why we offer our Assist – Life Stage/Transition program, designed to provide our clients with the support and resources they need to navigate these transitions and achieve their goals.

Our Assist – Life Stage/Transition program includes a range of support services, including assistance with identifying and accessing relevant resources, planning for the future, developing independent living skills, and building social and community connections.


We are committed to providing our clients with the highest level of support and care, and we understand that the transition to a new life stage can be a challenging time for individuals and their families. That’s why our support workers are available to provide ongoing support and guidance throughout the transition process, helping our clients to navigate the challenges and achieve their goals.

Contact us to learn more about our Help – Life Stage/Transition program if you or a loved one are experiencing a life transition and need assistance and direction.

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